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Here we find images of everyday potential pockets for pollinators - more of which are urgently needed globally to increase biodiversity. Any area can become a pollinator pocket by nurturing weeds such as dandelions, ending the use of toxic chemicals, and planting or nurturing flowers. Minimal mowing and encouraging the restoration of native habitats are also vital to encouraging pollinators including birds, bees, bats, butterflies and moths.

As primary pollinators, bees are a vital part of both the human and animal food chains, and an integral link in a healthy, happy garden. Across the world, bees have become vulnerable due to urbanisation and loss of habitat, the overuse of pesticides and modern agricultural practices.


There are many ways to lay out the welcome mat for bees in your garden by offering food, shelter and water throughout the year. Planting for the pollinators can simply mean regenerating a small patch of nature strip or home garden bed, planting on a balcony or in the garden of a small terrace.

“Do you remember hearing an abundance
of birdsong?”

“We live in the twilight of things, granted one last glorious vision. Unequal to even bearing adequate witness to the wonder that is vanishing and unable to halt it, glimpsing in the destiny of these birds perhaps only our postponed future, I sometimes have a sense of the greatest foreboding when those birds of traditional omen, the yellow-tailed black cockatoos, pass overhead.”

Richard Flanagan, The Guardian Oct 31, 2019  

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